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##UrsulaGates: the court case
Statements at the end of the third criminal hearing before the Indictment Division of the Liège Court of First Instance
Update on the second criminal hearing before the Chambre du Conseil of the Liège Court of First Instance
Update on the 1st criminal hearing before the Chambre du Conseil of the Liège Court of First Instance
Upcoming important dates
- January 20, 2025
The Indictment Division of the Liège Court of First Instance handed down its verdict in writing after two weeks' deliberation. - January 15, 2025
While the case was being deliberated, Ursula von der Leyen's communications department announced to the press that she would be receiving the “Karlspreis” (Charlemagne Prize). In fact, the Stiftung Internationaler Karlspreis has announced on its website that she is being awarded the prize in connection with facts that are currently being examined by the Chambre des mises en accusation in Liège. The award ceremony will take place on May 29, 2025, which raises questions as to the appropriateness of this communication. - January 6, 2025
Third criminal hearing before the Indictments Chamber of the Liège Court of First Instance in the “Ursula von der Leyen & Others” case. - December 20, 2024
The lobbying firm Politico has published an interview with the EU's Transparency Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, in its magazine. In this publication, entitled "‘Powerful consiglieri’ run von der Leyen’s Commission, EU transparency chief saysEthe Ombudswoman accuses the European Commission of behaving like a mafia, and blames Ursula von der Leyen. - December 7, 2024
Press conference on the hearing of December 6, 2024. - December 6, 2024
Second criminal hearing before the Chambre du Conseil du Tribunal de première instance de Liège in the case of Frédéric Baldan v/ Ursula von der Leyen, Albert Bourla, Pfizer and BioNTech. - November 27, 2024
Book launch event in Liège - November 20, 2024
Book release - November 16, 2024
The RTBF publishes an article entitled “Pfizergate”: the European Commission answers in court for Ursula von der Leyen's deleted SMS and in which it concludes:
"The Pfizergate saga will continue in court
But history cannot repeat itself. For Olivier Hoedeman of Corporate Europe Observatory, “this kind of message should never be erased. It's common sense. The messages between Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer boss Albert Bourla in the middle of negotiations on vaccines should never have been erased. That's what the European courts will have to tell the President of the Commission."
The judgment has been reserved. The EU court's decision is not expected for several months. In the meantime, other episodes in Pfizergate are likely to emerge. In Liège, a court is examining Frédéric Baldan's complaint against Ursula von der Leyen. The Belgian lobbyist accuses the Commission President of “illegal taking of interest and corruption, usurpation of functions and title and destruction of public documents” . Poland and Hungary have joined the lawsuit. The hearing is scheduled for December 6.
Frédéric BALDAN reacts to the hearing in a tweet on x.com entitled L'AUDIENCE SMSGATE EN RÉSUMÉ. - November 15, 2024
Hearing at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) of New York Times (NYT) v. European Commission concerning the Commission's refusal to transmit SMS messages exchanged between Albert Bourla and Ursula von der Leyen.
A history of highlights
- Some 2,500 new plaintiffs have come forward to join Frédéric Baldan's cause;
- The second appointment of Ursula von der Leyen as President of the Commission, in violation of the European treaties and despite legal proceedings involving member states—the end of the rule of law and of the EU as we have known it;
- The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) recognizes the illegality of the Commission's decisions in the case opposing it to MEPs;
- Frédéric Baldan v European People's Party (EPP) appeals to the Brussels Civil Court to force Ursula von der Leyen's European political group to apply its statutes and withdraw her candidacy (against the backdrop of the application of the whistleblowers directive);
- Visit by Frédéric Baldan accompanied by a bailiff to the headquarters of the European People's Party (EPP) in Brussels;
- The European People's Party (EPP) will not be attending the hearing;
- Interim proceedings Frédéric Baldan v European People's Party (EPP) before the Brussels civil court to force Ursula von der Leyen's European political group to apply its statutes and withdraw his candidacy (against the background of the application of the directive aimed at protecting whistle-blowers);
- Decision in favor of the plaintiffs, leading to postponement of the case to December 6, 2024;
- First hearing before the Chambre du Conseil du Tribunal de Première Instance de Liège in the criminal case Frédéric Baldan v Ursula von der Leyen, Albert Bourla, Pfizer and BioNTech;
- 500 plaintiffs have joined Frédéric Baldan's cause, including two EU member states, political parties (Belgium, France, Italy), flight crews (pilots, stewardesses, etc.), parents who have lost their children to serious side effects, European elected representatives, etc;
- Formal notice sent by Frédéric Baldan to the European Council (Heads of State), the members of the Commission, the Ethics Committee and the European People's Party (EPP) to invalidate Ursula von der Leyen's candidacy due to serious violations of the European treaties;
- Hearing before the CJEU in the case of DejaVu.Legal v. European Commission, seeking annulment of the refusal to transmit the purchase contracts and list of names of the Commission's experts;
- Hearing before the CJEU in the case of MEPs v. European Commission, seeking annulment of the refusal to transmit the purchase contracts and list of names of the Commission's experts;
- Double appeal to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU);
- Arbitrary checking of Frédéric Baldan's firm's lobby register, suspension of his access badge, then cancellation of his accreditation - in flagrant violation of the directive protecting whistleblowers in theory.
- Press conference held at the European Parliament in Paris at the invitation of French MEP Michèle Rivasi;
- Double proceedings (on the merits and in summary proceedings) before the European Court of First Instance to enforce the code of good conduct for European Commissioners and to suspend Ursula von der Leyen and her Commission;
- Frédéric Baldan filed a civil party complaint with Liège judge Frédéric Frenay for corruption, illegal interest-taking, destruction of public documents and usurpation of title and function;
- Reporting to Belgian public prosecutors;
- Sandra Gallina, Head of Unit at the European Commission's DG Health, openly admits to having acted illegally, despite warnings from her administration's legal experts.
- Public admission by Janine Small (Pfizer), in place of CEO Albert Bourla, at her hearing before the European Parliament.
This page will be improved soon.
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compromise by lobbies
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- A unique work.